Harbor Village Mental Wellness is available for telehealth psychiatric services throughout the state of Florida. Virtual visits can be performed anywhere you have privacy, allowing clients to feel relaxed while receiving care in the comfort of their own familiar setting. Telehealth is extremely convenient as it eliminates travel time to and from appointments, meaning less missed work and time away from family or responsibilities. Through res... Read more
Our goal is to help you live life to your full emotional potential, looking forward to each new day. Our clients will receive genuine, compassionate, culturally sensitive care, utilizing medication and non-medication-based treatments to optimize mental and physical well-being. Working together, we will create a personalized treatment plan based on our discussions, assessment tools, pharmacogenetic testing, and evidence-based guidelines. Our ... Read more
At Harbor Village Mental Wellness we treat a wide variety of psychiatric disorders ages 12 and up. We specialize in ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, PMDD, anger issues, eating disorders and sleep difficulties.